What's New with Scala?

Karl Bielefeldt

2.13 Collections

  • More consistency between lazy and strict collections.
  • Simpler object hierarchy.
  • No more signatures like map[B, That](f: Int => B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List[Int], B, That])
  • New more efficient groupMap that combines groupBy followed by mapValues
  • New LazyList instead of Stream, both head and tail are lazy.
  • 2.13.0-M4 was released the middle of May
  • 2.13.0-M5 is planned for August 10th
  • What's taking so long?
  • What can I do to help?

Tooling Improvements

  • Language Server Protocol
  • Build Server Protocol/Bloop
  • Triplequote Hydra parallel compiler
  • Scala Native


  • Multi-language
  • Native images
  • NBI is 22M including runtime.
  • Compare to 55M for jars and ~200M for the jre, + OS for docker container.

Scala 3


  • Intersection types A & B replacing A with B. Commutative!
  • Implicit function types implicit A => B
  • Dependent function types (x: T) => x.S
  • Traits can have parameters trait T(x: S)
  • Can have tuples longer than 22.
  • Macros based on TASTY, a more consistent interface not tied directly to compiler internals.


  • Union Types A | B
  • Mutiversal equality. Equality checks only make sense for compatible types.
  • Restricted implicit conversions, with simpler syntax.
  • Null safety. Must explicitly declare a sum type: String | Null.
  • Effect Capabilities. Must declare effects such as null pointer exception being throwable.
  • Multiple levels of macros, not everything is super-powerful whitebox.


  • Enums enum Color {case Red, Green, Blue}
  • Type lambdas [X] => C[X].
  • Extension clauses: extension StringOps for String { ... }


  • Opaque types: opaque type Id = String
  • Can declare parameters as erased, i.e. only used during type checking.
